Over the past 3 years, Techpoint has focused primarily on telling the story of the Nigerian tech scene, from startups to core technology, to research and reports, to the business of technology in Nigeria.
According to the Vc4A funding map, Nigeria is the most favoured country in Africa in terms of tech startup funding. So, making it our primary market is more demand-driven than sentimental.
However, during my visit to Paris, France for the Afrobytes Conference, I met some interesting startup founders from different countries on the continent. Conversing with them gave me an insight into how different entrepreneurs are building their businesses to address their nation’s challenges with technology.
My experience in Paris helped me better appreciate the importance of also chronicling stories about the African startup and technology scene.
Which is why starting today, Techpoint is expanding its primary focus to cover startup and technology activities, not just in Nigeria, but in Africa as a whole. Our most observant readers/followers may have noticed that since midnight, the website has moved from Techpoint.ng to Techpoint.africa.
Our goal is to give African startup founders and tech businesses a voice. A voice to share their stories and give investors a bird’s eye view into the opportunities available in investing in African tech startups.
Nothing is changing on Techpoint. We are just going to make it better. We are also going to expand all our platforms and events to accommodate startups from every part of the continent. Our events will go beyond just Nigeria to accommodate other African countries -- Anglophone and Francophone alike.
We are really excited about this and believe we will continue getting your support as we embark on this expansion.