Good news for Blackberry Users Blackberry 10 users!
All BlackBerry 10 phones will soon have access to features previously available on the BB Classic only, thanks to the platform's latest update.
Perhaps one of the most notable changes is the addition of Amazon's Appstore, giving Blackberry users access to a bevy of Android apps [Can I hear you all say Amen!]. The new update also equips the phones with BlackBerry Blend, which consolidates emails, text messages, BBM, contacts and calendar, and keeps them all synced across devices and even across operating systems (it works on Mac, Windows, Android and iOS); and BlackBerry Assistant, a virtual secretary like Siri and Cortana that responds silently if you type a question, speaks when you ask out loud and adds context to its answers if you're using a Bluetooth headset and it thinks you don't have access to the screen.
These features, along with a bunch of other ones, are coming to all available BB 10 devices in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East starting today.
I should insert a snarky comment here, but I am truly impressed with these massive strides Blackberry is taking. Honest.