9 Best AI for coding

December 19, 2024
12 min read
Best AI for coding

Being a software developer is not an easy task, it requires you writing tons of codes, editing them, running some tests and analysis to ensure the written codes are bug and error-free to say the least. All these processes take time and wear the developer out in the end.

However, there is good news. As a programmer or software developer, you do not have to go through all that rigorous, time consuming process of writing codes as there is a new and faster method whereby you can write any type of code for any kind of software in chase seconds. 

With artificial intelligence, you do not only get to write codes faster but get it written in any programming language you deem fit as these AI tools for coding support multiple programming languages. These AI tools also automatically test and analyze the generated codes to ensure it is bug and error-free.

In this guide, we will explore the best AI for coding, and their benefits. Let's get started!


Key takeaways

  • GitHub Copilot is the best AI for coding that supports multiple programming languages.
  • Codiga is the best for integrations with other AI coding tools.
  • Tabnine is your go to tool for generating codes.
  • If you are looking for a free AI coding tool, OpenAI Codex is your best bud.
  • Sourcegraph is the best for managing large codebases.
  • Amazon SageMaker is perfect for machine learning.
  • Snyk helps secure your codes.
  • If you want to use natural language to build your applications, Hugging Face is your best bet.
  • Sourcery is best for analyzing your code quality.

The Best AI for coding

  1. GitHub Copilot
  2. Codiga
  3. Tabnine
  4. OpenAI Codex
  5. Sourcegraph
  6. Amazon SageMaker
  7. Snyk
  8. Hugging Face
  9. Sourcery   

1. GitHub Copilot

AI-Powered AutocompleteGenerates code suggestions,and autocomplete code lines
Multilingual SupportSupports various programming languages
Learning ToolHelps developers to learn other programming languages easily
Generates Code SnippetGenerate boilerplate code, functions, and repetitive code patterns.
IDE IntegrationSeamlessly integrates with other code editors like Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, etc
Assist in DocumentationProvides explanation to code to improve clarity.

If you are looking for an AI coding assistant that supports numerous programming languages like C++, TypeScript, JavaScript, Go and Python, then GitHub Copilot is your best bet. This AI coding assistant is trained on vast datasets of code and texts, enabling it to help you create high-quality content, sieve out terrible coding practice and render tips to help you improve.

GitHub Copilot is best for multilingual developers and offers both free and paid versions. With the paid version starting from $4 per month


  • The code suggestions are very accurate.
  • It seamlessly integrates  with IDEs.
  • It offers multilingual support.


  • Offers limited capabilities when it comes to debugging or testing codes.
  • Unable to generate fully optimized code.

2. Codiga

AD 4nXdB4mrcpmp7qRMFCv8hDmPz8AGiF3AdED2peFKJkmzwSL2GTeZs4fF2tp Wp32Up6zzhbsdyqbY6dY9BEDADfJ 0lT4w6lFAI1rVhHj4erGuErz4LaiEyeED4utuCAA7S9Qy o?key=pbIZ4zkNA2VjWhoG fdpqM9G
Static Code AnalysisUse AI to analyze and identify errors, and bug in a code.
Manages Code SnippetAllow developers to create, share, and reuse code snippets via a centralized library.
Supports Multi-LanguagesSupports multiple programming languages like Python, JavaScript, etc.
Real-Time FeedbackProvides instant feedback for code improvement.
SecurityChecks for lags and enforces security in the code.
CI/CD PipelinesAutomates Code review using CI/CD pipelines.
IDE IntegrationIntegrates with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, and Eclipse.

Codiga is a customizable static code analysis tool that is compatible with IDEs and frameworks such as GitLab, JetBrains,  BitBucket, and Visual Studio.  It has machine language capabilities that adapt seamlessly to a developer's coding style.

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Additionally, this AI tool supports various programming languages like SQL, Python, JavaScript, and Java. Also,it integrates with all stages of developing a software and provides real-time optimization tips for each of the stages.

Codiga is best for software developers looking for continuous integration and development tools.  It offers both free and paid versions with paid versions starting at $14 per month.


  • It reviews and fixes codes faster.
  • A powerful tool for collaboration.


  • Offers limited AI suggestions   

3. Tabnine

AD 4nXcr9VzT7c14lX WoY1BY85yKJfz0UzLd2aqfs4vy0LbqjgGlQJcNsFAU1dv9w75nmsSNZrT bvkXy9YrOjoM9XoqUgo EjaWQw8wdNcLTryI4N8P4aNuquS tOGlbrjXQcdLn8J?key=pbIZ4zkNA2VjWhoG fdpqM9G
AI Code AutocompletionUse AI to complete the entire lines of code
Multi-Lingual SupportSupports various programming languages.
Local Code ProcessingProcesses code to ensure privacy and security.
Offline AvailabilityOffers offline functionality.
IDE IntegrationEffortlessly integrates with other popular code editors like VS Code, IntelliJ, etc.
AI Model TrainingAllows the training of AI models on private codebases.
Error ReductionHelps developers minimize errors while coding by suggesting correct syntax

For programmers who are looking for an AI tool that can help them generate a full line of codes for a software, providing the entire features and functions then Tabnine is their best bet.  What this AI tool does is to go to its large database of open-source code to generate high-quality codes for users.

In addition, while writing these code, it uses its code suggestion feature  to check out for errors in the and fix them. This ensures that the code is error-free, and saves the developer time spent on editing the code. The particularly nice thing about using Tabnine is that it integrates very well with other code editors like Eclipse, Android Studio, VS Code, PhpStorm, and IntelliJ.

Furthermore, Tabnine supports multiple programming languages like Java, Python, Javascript, and Ruby. It also offers both free and paid versions, with a paid plan starting from $12.


  • Identifies errors in codes and makes faster suggestions.
  • Offer strong data security and privacy policy.


  • Offers limited features on the free plan.

4. OpenAI Codex

AD 4nXfsi6cQCPv1zH7OfIk76o6bf6kWPS3oFKWbIyG71hfM IffRbpGU09zSYiNc3tpkQ6vPyghMNooAS6 javIZTfGFVkMpROAbFAcrk1FmuU1Un2FPak 7eGZ glidrEriQA8Ymbw?key=pbIZ4zkNA2VjWhoG fdpqM9G
AI-Powered Code GenerationUse AI to generate code from prompts.
Support Mulitple-LanguageSupports multiple programming languages.
Natural Language ProcessingUses everyday human language and accurately translates them into code snippets.
Auto CompletionAutomatically completes code.
Context-Aware ResponsesUse surrounding code and user queries to generate relevant suggestions.
Assist with DebuggingAssists developers with identifying and fixing bugs found in codes.
Integration FeaturesIntegrates seamlessly with tools like GitHub Copilot.

OpenAI Codex is a multi-purpose AI tool   that allows users to generate code using day to day, human language as  prompts. With it, you can generate text, make code reviews, and comments to your code.

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Furthermore, you can use OpenAI Codex to analyze your code for errors and get tips on how to correct the errors. Also, OpenAI Codex supports multiple programming languages and is totally free to use.


  • Possess Exceptional advanced AI
  • Best for generating codes from simple prompts.


  • It is not a standalone tool like the others.
  • It requires API integration to function.

5. Sourcegraph

AD 4nXcze 3XTGlvKKf3fne0iLLWN7U5StPS8tgi7Xvf1UwPSkpokREAfoDWqeo
Code SearchAllows developers to quickly search for codes across all codebases.
Cross-Repository SearchAllow users to search for codes across various repositories.
Code IntelligenceMakes it easy to find references.
Multi-Language SupportSupports multiple programming languages.
Code NavigationProvides accurate navigation across codebases.
IntegrationsIntegrates seamlessly with other AI tools like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket,
Code InsightsUse customizable dashboards to visualize trends and patterns in code.

If you are looking for an AI coding tool that allows you to write, edit, and review codes, then you would want to give Sourcegraph a try. It offers machine learning models who are trained to identify errors in a code and also a feature called Code Search that helps users find detailed information in a codebase.

Overall, this AI tool is great for large codebase management and offers both free and paid versions, with the paid version starting from $9 per month.


  • It is a great tool for code search and refactoring.
  • It scans large codebases to get detailed information instantly.


  • The tool is not beginner-friendly for non-technical users.

6. Amazon SageMaker

AD 4nXcOd4an58yNqJys
ML WorkflowSupports the machine learning workflow from beginning to end.
Built-In AlgorithmsOffers a built-in Machine Language algorithms library to developers.
Jupyter NotebooksIntegrates Jupyter notebooks for interactive development and collaboration.
Model TuningAutomatically tunes Machine Language models for better performance.
Integration FeaturesEffortlesssly integrates with AWS services such as S3, EC2, Lambda, and CloudWatch.
DebuggingOffers tools for debugging, and performance analysis of models during training.
Customized AlgorithmsAllows developers to use their own algorithms and containers for model training.
SecurityProvides high-grade security for Machine Language workloads.

This is an extensive AI coding tool for machine learning. What it does is that, when writing a code for you, it breaks down the entire software development process to help you better understand how the development process would be.

In addition, it helps you automatically create many AI models that you can choose from to assist you with writing codes. And also helps you detect bugs in your code. This AI tool offers both free and paid plans, and you will need to request a pricing quote if you want to upgrade to the paid plan.


  • Greate for Machine Learning workflows
  • Offers AWS ecosystem integration


  • The learning curve is steep and not beginner-friendly

7. Snyk

AD 4nXdHYxab31tjwzckJFlO7FhDT0J VCc UPQWGqPCTS6EEbZgxB41LhkOCxdY2UA0 1ZQGzA5oT9Etwv6ryTMlHtpLxXYZxCoTb3mb H2mssBDgoZ9wz3IuDOCaW92 VB25H55Q6B?key=pbIZ4zkNA2VjWhoG fdpqM9G
AI Scanning ToolUses AI to scan codes for security vulnerabilities.
Open Source SecurityUse AI to identify and fix vulnerabilities in open-source libraries.
Container SecurityScans container images for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
IntegrationSeamlessly Integrates with popular IDEs like VS Code, and IntelliJ
Security ReportsGenerates detailed security reports for developers.

Need security for your codes? then, Snyk gat you. This AI coding tool is powered by DeepCode AI and built with high-grade security. When you run a code through this AI tool, what it does is analyze the code to check for vulnerabilities and possible security issues.

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Then offers suggestions and feedback based on the information gathered. This tool is great for developers who are building high-end secure software. It offers both free and paid plans, with a paid plan starting at $25 per month.


  • Great AI tool to secure codes.
  • Effortlessly integrates into CI/CD pipelines.


  • The paid version is quite pricey.
  • Provides users with limited AI coding features.

8. Hugging Face

AD 4nXcpKCquUxg hgfw SYtLvKad9ozYdR4ojOpNhp U DLgpBf9 ImmvOnEiUNdG9O9qcM5e53wNooc q3pdkoJAOhFE 9NvnuPKGpW NJhQpH0tjsqRlF00urQdX2WR2 2v4f0qTi?key=pbIZ4zkNA2VjWhoG fdpqM9G
Vast Transformers LibraryProvides a vast and powerful library for NLP models such as GPT, and RoBERTa.
Model HubOffers a repository for pre-trained models across NLP, and AI tasks.
Audio ProcessingOffers AI models for speech recognition.
Natural Language ProcessingUse NLP to generate text, classify and analyze codes.
IntegrationEffortlessly integrates with PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc.
Datasets LibraryProvides access to a variety of ready-to-use datasets for machine learning.

This AI coding tool helps users to create applications and software with the capability of processing and interpreting natural language. It also helps users generate text, answer questions, translate language, extract information, among other things.

Hugging also supports and integrates well with other machine learning tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch. It offers both free and paid plans. Monthly plans start from $9 per month.


  • A top notch tool for developing AI models.


  • Users need to be experts in Machine Learning before they can use it properly.

9. Sourcery   

AD 4nXdjqzDCOeO99mIT7KEP80vAQEQo3BQAMLSiiJ DZO85U8gWu7 FP13pWQNo7E4HJRTdqknsbBRUihGbuoUGd9lp8vs5UEplW
Code RefactoringProvides Automated suggestions to improve codes.
Code ReviewProvides real-time code review for better optimizations.
Enhance Code QualityAssist in improving the performance of the code.
IDE IntegrationSeamlessly integrates with popular code editors like VS Code, PyCharm, and JetBrains.

Sourcery is an AI code generator and refactoring tool that focuses on assisting software developers and coders write codes efficiently. It automatically detects errors and bugs in a code snippet and gets it fixed.

Sourcery is ideal for running a code quality assurance and supports multiple programming languages like Python. The tool is free to use and also has a paid plan starting from $10 per month.


  • Helps in facilitating code refactoring tasks
  • Assist in enhancing the quality of a code.


  • Provides limited programming language support

How to choose the best AI for coding

1. Language Support

The first step to choosing an AI tool for coding is to check for tools that support multiple programming languages, especially the ones that you are conversant with and often use. Doing so will help you cut down on unnecessary spending and time wasting.

2. Workflow Integration

Before choosing an AI tool, you may have been using other tools frequently for your workflow. Therefore, when choosing, go for AI coding tools that integrate seamlessly with your workflow, so you do not have to bother about switching from one platform to another.

3. Budget

Putting into consideration how much a tool will cost you before choosing it is very important. Even though most AI tools offer free versions, the thing is the more advanced features are on the premium plan. Therefore, it is important to set a budget for how much you will be spending on AI tools before diving all in.

4. Customization

While having an AI tool for coding with all of the essential features is good, being able to customize these tools to suit your specific needs is very important. Therefore, always go for tools with customization options.

5. Ease of use

Go for easy to use AI tools with simple and sleek interfaces that anyone regardless of their skill levels use conveniently.

6. Security and privacy

Coding with AAI tools may require your sharing some sensitive information on these tools. Therefore, choose AI tools that protect your data and privacy.

Comparison table

FeaturesGitHub CopilotCodigaTabnineOpenAI CodexSourcegraphAmazon SageMakerSnykHugging FaceSourcery
Main FunctionUses AI to Auto complete codesAutomatically review codes and fix themUses AI-powered autocompletionUses Natural language to codeUses AI to search for relevant information in your codebaseFocuses on ML and AWS IntegrationScan and analyzes code to ensure securityUses AI to create applications with human-like functionalities.Code generation and refactoring
IntegrationVS Code, JetBrains,and NeovimVS Code, GitHub, and JetBrainsSublime, VS Code,and IntelliJ.API Integration, and GitHub CopilotGitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLabAWS Ecosystem, and Jupyter NotebooksGitLab, and BitbucketAPI Integration, and Transformers libraryVS Code, PyCharm,and GitHub
CompatibilityWindows, macOS,and LinuxWindows, macOS, and LinuxWindows, macOS,and LinuxAPIWindows, Linux, and WebWebWindows, macOS, and LinuxWeb, and PythonWindows, macOS, and, Linux
SpeedFastFastVery FastFastModerateVaries on workflow complexityModerateModerateFast
AccuracyHighModerateModerateVery HighHighHighHighHighHigh
Ease of UseEasy to set up and useModerately easy to useVey easy to useModerately easy to useModerately easy to useNot beginner friendlyModerately easy to useModerately easy to useVery easy to use
Customization OptionModerateModerateHighHighModerateHighModerateHighLow
User InterfaceSleek user-interfaceClean user-interfaceSimple User-interfaceSimple user-interfaceIntuitive User-interfaceComplex User-interfaceIntuitiveUser- InterfaceResponsive user-interfaceSimple user-interface

Benefits of using AI tools for coding

Assist in debugging: One of the benefits of using AI-powered coding tools is that it helps users to instantly identify and debug errors in code. After which, these AI coding tools will proffer solutions on how the errors can be properly fixed in a timely and orderly manner.

Increases productivity: When you use AI for coding, one of the benefits you will enjoy is an increased level of productivity. These AI tools will help you automate tasks that take up all of your time so that you can focus more on the important and complex issues in your coding process.

Multilingual support: Another good benefit of using AI for coding is that most of the tools on the market support multiple programming languages, which makes it easier for programmers and software developers to use and switch between multiple languages without needing to use separate AI tools.

Learning aid: Using AI coding tools can serve as a learning aid especially for beginners who are enthusiastic about coding and want to learn faster on their own. These AI tools provide detailed explanations on how to code so you can better understand and improve your skills.

Improves code quality: Most of the AI tools out there do not only generate code snippets for software but also run an analysis on the generated code to ensure that it is bug- and error-free, fully optimized for performance, and meets the industry standards.

Saves time: Before now, developers usually spent so much time writing, editing, testing, and analyzing codes. However, with the use of AI tools for coding, users can now automate the entire process, saving time in the process. 

Final thought

Writing code is not a walk in the park. However, leveraging AI can make it a much easier and faster task. In this we mentioned some of the AI tools that can assist you with coding.

We hope you give them a try and settle for the one(s) that align with your needs and level of expertise. Kindly leave us a message if this guide was helpful.

Till next time, thanks for reading.


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I’m Fredrick Eghosa, a lifelong learner and tech enthusiast with a deep passion for AI, SEO, and digital innovation. I thrive on curiosity, constantly exploring how artificial intelligence is reshaping industries, from content creation to business automation. My true excitement comes from uncovering new ideas, experimenting with emerging technologies, and sharing insights that push boundaries. I love diving deep, asking big questions, and discovering what’s next. 🚀
I’m Fredrick Eghosa, a lifelong learner and tech enthusiast with a deep passion for AI, SEO, and digital innovation. I thrive on curiosity, constantly exploring how artificial intelligence is reshaping industries, from content creation to business automation. My true excitement comes from uncovering new ideas, experimenting with emerging technologies, and sharing insights that push boundaries. I love diving deep, asking big questions, and discovering what’s next. 🚀
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I’m Fredrick Eghosa, a lifelong learner and tech enthusiast with a deep passion for AI, SEO, and digital innovation. I thrive on curiosity, constantly exploring how artificial intelligence is reshaping industries, from content creation to business automation. My true excitement comes from uncovering new ideas, experimenting with emerging technologies, and sharing insights that push boundaries. I love diving deep, asking big questions, and discovering what’s next. 🚀
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