This week on Techpoint: Can you trust a car without a driver?

September 30, 2017
3 min read

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Our Startup of the Month is Riby, a financial management service platform that helps co-operative societies remotely control financial operations.

The prediction is that over 20 million people (from Nigeria and a few other emerging markets in West Africa) will become users of the platform in the future. “We hope that 15 million of them have never had access to major banking services before,” founder and CEO, Salami Abolore says. Read more.

This week on Techpoint

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The inevitable health risks of disruptive tech innovation. Tech workers tend to experience chronic stress but they often neglect their health. Here's a look into how their lifestyles pose huge health risks.

Why it is difficult for African female entrepreneurs to build global businesses. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor reports that Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest percentage of female entrepreneurs in the world.

While the report goes a long way to highlight the entrepreneurial prowess -- of women especially -- that exists on the African continent, it brings a proportional concern to mind: only very few female-owned businesses scale to global heights.

Experts answer 9 questions on the state of Artificial Intelligence in Nigeria. The '4th industrial revolution' is upon us, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is leading the course and Africa cannot afford to miss out this time.

If you have been wondering about the state of AI in Nigeria, we reached out to experts to help clarify things.

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Still on the matter of AI, one of its increasingly popular applications is in autonomous (aka 'driverless') cars.

While driverless cars already ply public roads in California, it's quite a challenge to imagine how the technology would work in a developing city like Lagos.

So we hit the streets of Lagos to find out what regular Nigerians really think about driverless cars

Startup Weekly

Every weekday at noon (WAT), we feature up and coming startups attempting to break into the market.

This week's featured startups

Why I shut down my VOD startup. Afrostream founder, Tonjé Bakang wrote this detailed and illuminating exposé on why he chose to shut down his video-on-demand startup after only 2 years of operation. Read.

Impact Hub comes to Lagos. The global network of hubs renowned for fostering social entrepreneurship activates Lagos as its 81st city. Applications begin in October. Read more.

Opportunities Weekly

Every Wednesday at 5PM (WAT), we publish a curated list of exciting opportunities, ranging from funding, acceleration programmes to entrepreneurship training.

Opportunities this week:

  • Accelerate your startup growth and impact at the Digital Africa startup challenge 2018
  • Young entrepreneur? Your company could win funding at the second Competition
  • $50,000 in funding available from the Y Her Accelerator programme
  • The Obama Foundation Fellowship programme for civic innovators closing soon.
  • Applications to join the Y Combinator Winter 2018 funding cycle closing soon.
  • Google Research Awards in Sciences & Engineering 2018 is closing today.
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For more information on the above opportunities, please go here.

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I bully myself because I make me do what I put my mind to. Find me on Twitter @MuyoSan.
I bully myself because I make me do what I put my mind to. Find me on Twitter @MuyoSan.
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I bully myself because I make me do what I put my mind to. Find me on Twitter @MuyoSan.
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