In case you probably have had a terrible experience in the past trying to use one of the numerous online classifieds marketplace as a buyer, such experience might be a thing of the past with
Over the week I tried selling my Smile MiFi and I got a call, not from a buyer but from Efritin informing of the potentials of using the platform. I agreed that an account be created for me, and then I came to realise that this is not just another OLX, MoboFree or GidiMarket.
The Difference
Why do I conclude that Efritin is different? Efritin not only allows you sell or buy products but makes sure that the seller passes through a sort of a simple verification exercise. You might want to ask how? While on initial phone call, I was informed that a staff of Efritin would need to meet me in a public place to take a shot of my valid means of identity -- National Identity card, Driver’s License, temporary or permanent voter’s card.
This implies that the platform is not only allowing sellers and buyers to meet but also ensuring that the sellers are verified, thereby protecting the buyers’ interest.
Do you think this would fly? Let's have your comments