nHub, the software engineering-focused hub located in Jos, is today launching its outsourcing centre, in what will be the version 2 of its old self.
One of nHub’s strategies towards sustainability is the outsourcing of its tech skills to various tech companies across Nigeria. And for the past three years that it’s been tapping from the abundant (unemployed) youth presence in Jos, the nHub continually seems to be in steady supply of talent. In 2016, it signed a strategic partnership deal with German startup community, StartupBonn to trade developer talent with Nigeria.
The decision to expand the outsourcing centre aspect of its operations, according to Oluwadaser David, nHub founder, is premised on the increasing uptake in request for its remote developers.
“As it is right now, we have about 32 remote developers developing for companies within and outside the country, because of this demand we are improving and continuing our fellowship programme to be able to service this demands.
This is why we established our tech outsourcing business as another arm of the hub, so that while the hub continues its usual entrepreneurship activities and training, this arm handles the remote hire and onsite demands of most companies coming in on a daily basis,” David explains.
The goal to breed the 'best software engineers in Africa', with Jos as the next stop place for developers and great products, is visible from how activities are streamlined between nHub and the newly formed outsourcing centre. As a matter of fact, the outsourcing centre would have its own separate office, albeit in the same building as nHub.
Later this evening, nHub will be holding a cocktail to formally launch the outsourcing centre and is inviting policy makers, government executives and top executives of the private companies in Plateau state to join in the launch.