About two decades ago, creating a website left you with two options; either to join a free hosting site (which, gave limited control over your online presence) or create one from scratch using HTML (which was quite difficult). But there’s been a gracious change with time; we now have different platforms that provide the opportunity to create beautiful websites, even without having to worry about coding. Composir is one of such.
Composir is an online platform that allows its users to create websites easily. This platform can be used by anyone with little or no programming skills.
Launched on April 17, 2017, Composir was founded by a two-man team, Ola Ajayi (founder) and Lolade Shelle (co-founder). The platform is quite convenient and interesting to use. It works by dragging and dropping elements on a chosen template. To enhance usage, Composir has several features. Some of them are e-commerce and data analysis. When users are satisfied with what they've built, they can submit their website to the Composir team. The team provides technical support, helps with necessary adjustments as well as hosting services.
Ola, the founder, claims that the platform is very responsive. As such, websites created on it easily adapt to all screen types. He also says that users can track their visitors and visitation patterns on their website.
The team is optimistic that Composir will serve as a one-stop-platform where people get to manage their online presence in a stylish and easy way.
If you need an easy way to build a website, visit the online platform.
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