Freeciti is an online freelancing community and marketplace where business owners can connect to professional freelancers for their projects.
Launched on August 8, 2017, by Oladotun Oni, alongside Steve Khena, Freeciti has varieties of skilled freelancers with rendering services such as web and mobile development services, digital marketing and content development, as well as writing and content creation.
How Freeciti works
When clients post their job requirements, they get to choose from the numerous professionals who bid for the job. Once the chosen freelancer accepts the job offer, payment is made through Freeciti. When the job is completed and the client is satisfied with the service rendered, the client rates the freelancer. This is what prompts and authorises the release of funds to the freelancer.
We have made a freelance market haven for all. By creating an online community where professional freelancers can register and clients get their jobs done. As an online workplace it also fosters collaboration.
On freeciti, interaction is paramount. The founder, Ola says he intends for the platform to be an interactive community where users could collaborate with any freelancer and the task owner could manage the freelancer till the task is done. Besides direct jobs outsourcing, clients could also start a task contest and make their desired choices.
To purchase some freelancing projects, head to the website.
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