FoodFacts is an online database which collates nutrition and health information about food products in Nigeria. They include the product name, ingredient list, nutrition facts, NAFDAC number, additives, allergens and typically any other information found on food labels.
According to the founder, it enables users to make smart healthy food choices.
Asides being a useful resource for research and educational purposes, the web platform can be used to compare similar brands of food products. This will enable users can make more informed decision when selecting their preferred food products.
Founded by Ebenezer Anifowose, FoodFacts is a proprietary product of Healthcare Nigeria, a social enterprise that promotes health and well-being using audiovisuals, games, and technology.
Ebenezer expects that the platform will be of immense value to users with allergies; they can easily filter through to get food products meeting their specified criteria. In the near future, FoodFacts plans to incorporate a Nutrition Rating System to further guide people in their food choices.
An added service is FoodFacts' SME support scheme. "SMEs who do not have barcodes on their food products yet can take advantage of our experience and expertise to standardize their product labeling and packaging" Ebenezer explains.
FoodFact is currently in its pre-launch stage. You may head to the website to learn more about the startup.
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