Weekly Tech Events #27: TechPlus 2017, Open Data day and others

July 3, 2017
2 min read

This is a new month, new week and we off to a good start. This week, we have curated a list of tech events that will interest you.  They are happening from Monday, 3rd July to Monday, 10th July 2017.

TechPlus 2017

TechPlus is back this year with robust activities. For the uninitiated, TechPlus is Africa’s largest Tech gathering where new technology comes to life, new products and innovation convergence. 2017's edition will bring companies from around the world to showcase and learn how technology is evolving.

TechPlus 2017 banner

Anyone can register.


Date: 6th July to 10 8th July, 2017

Time: 8AM to 4PM

Venue: Landmark Events Centre, Lagos State.

Open Data Day 2017

Open data especially open government and research data are tremendous resources that are yet largely untapped. Many people and organisations collect a broad range of data to do their tasks. This event is organised by the OpenCon Lagos community. The conversation will be centred around how open data is used to help the works of young professionals, youths and students in Nigeria as well as ways in which open data can contribute to national development. If you are a custodian of open data, you should reserve a spot.

Open Data Banner

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Date: 4th July, 2017

Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Venue: Julius Berger Hall, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos.

NITEC 2017: The Future of Big Data, Analytics and Applications

The Nigerian Tech ecosystem is growing by the day, hence, the need to create platforms and structures that will further deepen the conversation and help new innovations grow. The Nigeria International Technology Exhibition & Conference, NITEC 2017 is one of such platforms. The goal of the event is to bring together stakeholders in the industry to contribute to the national discourse and force the technological barrier.

READ MORE   Weekly Tech Events #21: Techpoint Pitch Friday, Eastern Tech Expo and others

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If you are looking for insights about where the industry is leading towards, register.

Date: 4th July, 2017

Time: 8AM- 4PM

Venue: Sheraton Hotel, Lagos

Editor’s note: Are you organising a tech event? Tell us about it by filling this form.


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