Following the spike in foreign exchange rate, new smartphones on leading online stores have become quite expensive. According to Ndukewe Ogechi (founder UKUsedPhones), many people now prefer to opt for "UK-used" models because they are cheaper and still offer the same value.
However, there is a challenge to this supposed alternative. 6 out of 10 "UK used phones" may be fake or faulty. Hence, Ogechi was prompted to launch UKUsedPhones -- an eCommerce platform strictly dedicated to sales of fairly used phones from the UK -- on September 1, 2015.
While UKUsedPhones allows users to purchase used smartphones, it also gives vendors the opportunity to sell on the platform. However, sellers go through a verification process to establish their credibility. The founder emphasises that they are screened manually and their shop addresses (preferably in the Computer Village) are physically verified.
They must have an internal phone engineer to ensure that all phones listed on our classified market are working. This is what has helped us remain in business for 2 years. We have facilitated the sale of over 10,000 units of UK Used phones with support.
According to the founder, the process ensures that used phones are listed on the site from genuine sellers only. Asides this, customers can walk into the sellers' stores for after-sales support or product swap.
If you are interested in purchasing a UK-used phone, you may visit the website.