In 2010, African Leadership Academy (ALA) and The MasterCard Foundation together embarked on a journey to celebrate the entrepreneurial achievements and business savvy of young people across the continent by launching the Anzisha Prize.
The Anzisha Prize, which seeks to award young entrepreneurs who have developed and implemented innovative solutions to social challenges, or started successful businesses within their communities across Africa, is open again for its seventh year.
From the applicants, a total of 15 finalists will be selected. These selected finalists will win an all-expenses paid trip to South Africa for a 10-day entrepreneurship workshop/conference at the ALA campus, Johannesburg. Asides this trip, they also win a spot in its lifelong fellowship that helps to accelerate business success.
Winners that emerge from the 15 finalists will share the grand prize worth $100,000 and then continue their fellowship. The fellowship, valued at $7,500 will offer them consulting services to unlock business growth, connect them to a global network of leaders and provide access to global speaking opportunities to support their professional development.
To be eligible, applicants must have an already running venture (established with customers and beneficiaries), which is scalable (potential for revenue/returns), has made some impacts and created or have the potential to create jobs. The business must also be managed by its founder.
The application, which is currently on-going application is open to entrepreneurs between 15 - 22 years old, and set to close on April 1, 2017
If you are eligible for this, you can apply immediately.