Book Review: Digital Epidemic #TWBR

August 6, 2016
2 min read

Editor's note: After what seems like an eternity of silence, we are finally rebooting our weekend series --Techpoint Weekly Book Review -- only this time, we will review one book a week. 

A lot has changed since that fateful day in 1990 when Sir Tim Berners-Lee -- the inventor of the World Wide Web (aka "The Web") --  published the world's first website. From a simple plan to enable sharing of academic data among scientists in institutions around the world, the web has grown to become unarguably one of the most powerful inventions in human history.

And just like every great invention, the web has drastically changed the way we humans do things. It is on this premise that Digital Epidemic's first chapter 'Power Shift' opens:

The internet[sic] has changed everything. Stunned? You shouldn't be. Telling you that the internet has changed things shouldn't stun you. However, if you are serious about business, what it means for your business will stun you. Even if you understand the technical details of your business; gaining your customers' attention and positioning your organisation in the face of today's rapidly evolving consumer is a different ball game entirely

No doubt, in the world of marketing, power has shifted from the businesses to the consumers. Thanks to the power of social media (an offshoot of the web), consumers are not only more intelligent than ever, they also expect a lot more from the businesses targeting them; A great product is no longer enough and it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to connect with their target audience on a personal level. Unfortunately, many Nigerian businesses appear to be doing it all wrong. Which is why Adeola Adekoya was inspired to write Digital Epidemic, a book he describes as a "Strategic eMarketing Playbook for Growing your Company in the age of Connected Customers".

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Digital Epidemic approaches the topic on the assumption that the reader has a very basic knowledge of the web as an effective marketing tool. Topics like the intricacies of building a DIY website, technicalities of digital advertising and email marketing get stand-alone chapters. I particularly find it impressive that a lot of effort was put into providing relateable examples within the Nigerian context -- there are hardly any such books with as much Nigerianized content.

Based on my experience level, I find that Digital Epidemic only scratches the surface of 80% of the topic it covers. But that's just me. In fairness, the book is targeted primarily at newbies and based on that alone, it gets a 90% pass mark. And I actually did learn a few important lessons from the book myself. I particularly found chapter Chapter 8 on 'Social Selling' quite enlightening. I still left a lot wanting though and as Adekoya promises, there will be a follow up.


If you run an online business, on a lean budget, and you're looking to employ a Do-It-Yourself digital marketing strategy, Digital Epidemic is a great starting point. You can order the book online here.

I bully myself because I make me do what I put my mind to. Find me on Twitter @MuyoSan.
I bully myself because I make me do what I put my mind to. Find me on Twitter @MuyoSan.
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I bully myself because I make me do what I put my mind to. Find me on Twitter @MuyoSan.
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