The diary of a Social Media Week Lagos experience

February 26, 2016
3 min read

And here I was at the very heart of SMW Lagos 2016  at the Landmark Center alongside a pack of other visitors wanting to tap from the juice before leaving. From the start you could feel the bustling excitement that gave you the feel that something special was gonna take place. Was it in the warm reception of the venue or the glamorous cool spaces or the invaluable experience? Or could it be the paparazzis and networking as well? To say the least, the event certainly wasn’t lacking in action. How else would you define socialisation if not in this sense?

Moving on from there hurdling past the crowd at every turn, stairway and hallway, I finally invited myself into the thick of activities. Of course I couldn't meet up with the entire events which seemed to be going on concurrently, not unless I could develop some sort of technology overnight that will make me omnipotent -- food for thought for developers.

Uhmn! While that in itself is still an abstract concept, I settled for business at one of the halls playing host to an event -- themed Education Inequity – by United for Education, targeted at reducing inequity in educational services by actively engaging volunteers in this course. Gone are those days where teachers are unaided in their undertakings. As a volunteer -- having gone through the volunteer programmes and initiatives targeted at children in public and private schools -- you could also be this agent of educational change by leveraging on technology to make these children's world a better place. And yes I told you so. While that isn’t my forte, I must admit I quite appreciate the opportunity such platform is providing for Nigerian children, especially the so called less privilege.

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Moving on to another event – Intel She Will Connect – which, truth be told, I was quite looking forward to, not just because the theme quite tickles my fancy, but because I happened to have a partner tag for this event in my pocket.

The guest speakers – all females, plus a female anchor -- all braced up by some fact that less women than men are connected to the internet globally, took turns to emphasize the need for evenly dispersal of the trend, and more still empowering these women to achieve their dreams by leveraging on the internet to connect. The whole thing didn’t really quite crack this hard skull of mine even though I had to struggle to digest the content of instruction. This is after all what the Intel She Will Connect idea was all about, it however didn’t change the fact that I had a nice time listening to these ongoing talks.


To sum it all, this is just one day event and the excitement could have been more. So if you have not been following the Social Media Week, it wouldn't seem like you’ve been missing, you are certainly missing. The good thing however is; that was just the day 3 for the SMWLagos2016 event. Meaning the process still continues. I had my bit of fun, so could you.

If you’ve been part of the SMW Lagos 2016, kindly share with us your experience, especially for laughs.

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As Social Media Week draws to a close today, make out time to come listen to Techpoint's Muyiwa Matuluko talk about how to take your business viral online. The venue is iDEA Hub, 296, Herbert Macaulay way, Sabo, Lagos. Time is 5pm. You can register here

Ifeanyi is a desk reporter-turned administrator. Outside of work, I love to read and travel.
Ifeanyi is a desk reporter-turned administrator. Outside of work, I love to read and travel.
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Ifeanyi is a desk reporter-turned administrator. Outside of work, I love to read and travel.
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