If you are a developer or a tech enthusiast, here’s one opportunity you don’t get to see everyday. Facebook will be holding two developer focused events on the 25th and 26th of February 2016 as part of activities for Social Media Week, Lagos.
The theme for the 25th of February 2016 event is “Leveraging Social for Android”. This half day event will feature tech-talks and a hands-on codelab that will show Android developers how to effectively leverage social in the design and implementation of Android applications. Application for this closes on the 6th of February 2016, so you should apply now for an invitation. This event is free and and limited to 40 invitees.
The second event holding the next day, 26th of February 2016 with the theme “Free Basics and FbStart for Developers” is a 4-hour event comprising of tech-talks and networking opportunities that will show how developers and tech innovators can leverage on the Free Basics and FBStart to grow their start-ups and engage a wider audience. The event is happening at the Co-creation Hub in Yaba. It is free and open to all developers. You can register register now to reserve a seat as space is limited.