If you're thinking the amount put up there is a typographical error you are mistaken. As $5.2 billion (N1.04 trillion) is the exact fine The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has slammed MTN Nigeria with for failing to comply in the deactivation of improperly and pre-registered SIM cards in the country.
According to The Guardian, asides the failure of MTN Nigeria, which controls 43% of the country’s telecommunications market, to fully deactivate subscribers with unregistered and incomplete
Subscriber Identification Modules (SIM) cards details within the stipulated time, NCC officials feel belittled and disrespected after MTN sent low ranking officials to a meeting which was attended by high ranking NCC officials, members of the SSS and officials from the office of the National Security Adviser. As if that wasn't enough NCC says their enforcement and monitoring officials were denied access at the MTN office to their switches for inspection.
The N1.04 trillion fine is said to be as regards the timing of the disconnection of 5.1 million MTN Nigeria subscribers who were disconnected in August and September 2015 and is based on a fine of N200, 000 for each unregistered subscriber.
However, The Group is said to have issued a statement from South Africa; MTN Nigeria is currently in discussions with the NCC to resolve the matter in recognition of the circumstances that prevailed with regard to the subscribers.
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