MyQ, a mobile application that provides queue management, passenger loading and ticketing services to the transportation industry, has emerged the "Best Nigerian Startup" 2015 at the just concluded Seedstars Lagos event.
MyQ, which competed against 10 other Nigerian startups, will advance to represent Nigeria at the Seedstars World Event in Geneva in February 2016. $500,000 in equity investment is up for grabs for the overall winner at the Geneva Event. Other investments and prizes such as the Travel Investment track powered by group, a $500,00 equity investment for the best travel startup and the $50,000 grant for the best space startup are also up for grabs.
Seedstars World is global pitch competition targeted at startups in emerging markets. The competition has expanded to include more than 50 countries for 2015, up from the 36 countries in 2014. Past participants have raised $20m between them, providing employment to +360 employees all emerging markets in the world.
In 2013, Simeon Ononobi pitched SimplePay to come out 1st runner up at the first edition of the global event, winning $330,000 in funding.