Running a company in the 21st century has more helping hands than running one in the twentieth century. There are great and insightful productivity tools available for businesses of all sizes now to help simplify their processes.
Let’s look at productivity tools by Nigerian companies that surely rival global brands. Let us explore some of the solutions together that are available to Nigerian entrepreneurs.
It's the era of remote working and a managers need not be at a junior staff desk for a reminder about an assignment or a project. Prowork allows real time collaboration between team members irrespective of the location of the members or the time.
With Prowork, you can create tasks and project, get them assigned to team members and monitor the progress of the assigned task or project.
Africa is a mobile continent, and Prowork is well prepared for the market as the solution is available on mobile platforms like Android, BlackBerry and even feature phones. To support internet downtime, Prowork has an SMS notification feature that allows you get updates in case you are offline. There is also an API available for developers.
"There's no business like show business, but there are several businesses like accounting." - David Letterman
Like the American television host put it, several businesses are like accounting and it's on that note that I present 1Suite Accounting, a solution that's working towards having financial record keeping and analysis simplified for businesses.
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1Suite Accounting allows you do basic recording keeping activities and top of it all, users can generate professional reports. The application takes off your worry about accounting, giving you ample time to focus more on the core activities of your business.
Termii is another productivity tool out of Naija, with an added networking feature, all designed to help improve office collaboration and boost productivity for businesses.
The advantage that Termii has over other available project management solutions is the grouping feature, which allows members of staff to be grouped based on criteria defined by the company.
Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks via Compfight cc