Yes? Good. No? Then, what are you waiting for?!
It is now 41 days and 14 hours to the release of this movie, according to our Age of Ultron Web Countdown:
And Marvel nerds have described the TV Spot as amazing, breathtaking! With some even alluding that Marvel wanted to kill them. [Overkill. I know]
New 'AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON' TV spot released! How'd you like it? RT: AMAZING! FAV: Meh...
— Superhero Feed (@SuperheroFeed) March 19, 2015
Marvel wants to KILL me.
— Daniel Orubo (@NerdEfiko) March 19, 2015
Woah, new TV spot for Age of Ultron
— Dan (@Daniel_Averill) March 19, 2015
So I don't know why you haven't watched it; but you should. Right now:
It's all in the swing!