Coca-Cola recently launched a virtual customisation platform for people to share ‘e-cans’ of cokes with their names on it as part of their #ShareAcokeNG campaign.
The campaign was launched for the first time in Nigeria, replacing its iconic logo with popular Nigerian names on all its forms of packaging; from the returnable glass bottles to the cans The aim of the campaign is to transform the global brand into a special, personal experience for its consumers. It was first introduced in Australia in 2011. Since then, the Company has launched the ‘Share a Coke’ campaign in over 50 countries around the world.
On the freshly launched e-platform, you can check if your name is on any of the bottles or cans that were released into the market on the 10th of January, or check the meanings of about 600 Nigerian names that have already been selected from a vast assortment of names across the various regions of Nigeria.
Besides that, I doubt you’d have any other reason to stay on the site for more than 10 minutes; it’s even less likely that you’d attempt a repeat visit.
I don’t want to play the fun police, but I don’t really see the point in virtually inscribing my name on a can of coke. I mean, if they were going to deliver my creation (yes, that’s pretty far-fetched, but it is a campaign after all) to my friends and family then I’d get the hype. I have been looking for my name for some time now. No, not Daniel, that would be too easy, my language name; Damini.
Apparently, consumers like me, who are unable to find their names in-store will have the chance to create their own personalized Coke during the nationwide activation which will commence in February, seems like a long thing, but we’ll wait and see.