Technology and Creative Sector
Financing Agreement reference: 2000200005160
Project ID No.: P-NG-K00-009
The Federal Government of Nigeria has received financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB), Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) towards the implementation of the Investment in Digital and Creative Enterprises (iDICE) Programme and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this finance to payments under the contract for a consultancy service for Conducting of gap assessment for National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)’s Existing Learning Management System (LMS). This is in line with the iDICE Programme sub-component: Enterprise and Skill Development, focused on support for youth incubation and training in the digital and creative sector.
Objectives of the Assignment
The primary objective of this consultancy is to evaluate the current LMS functionalities and capabilities, identify areas of improvement while providing actionable recommendations to achieve desired features and capabilities.
The consultant shall perform the following services:
- Conduct a comprehensive review documentation of the current LMS.
- Undertake a detailed inventory of existing LMS features and capabilities.
- Provide user feedback, challenges and root cause analysis.
- Draft requirements and expectations document.
- Produce a best practices and benchmark report.
- Produce a comprehensive gap analysis report.
- Give recommendations and create detailed action plan.
The assignment is expected to take two (2) months from the date of contract commencement.
The Bank of Industry (BOI) now invites eligible consultants (Firms) to indicate interest in providing these services by submitting their proposals, demonstrating experience in performing similar assignments with references and showing responsiveness to the qualifications requirements outlined in this REOI.
Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience
The ideal candidate should meet the following qualifications and experience requirements:
- Have at least 5 years of professional experience in conducting and coordinating IT assessments and other technology-related projects.
- Adequate experienced technical and operational staff with requisite certifications
- Ability to work with a wide range of partners and manage multiple, simultaneous and shifting demands/ priorities under tight timelines
- Possess necessary licensing and comply with the local regulations and standards of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) and other relevant authorities.
- Demonstrated compliance with all safety regulations and environmental protection regulations
- Familiarity with national cybersecurity laws and data protection regulations.
- Commitment to delivering the project within agreed timelines without compromising quality.
Legal & Compliance Requirements
The following requirements are applicable to companies/firms that are submitting EOI either as a single firm or a consortium of firms from Nigeria. For a consortium of firms in single firms domiciled in Nigeria, the lead member MUST provide the following documents:
- Evidence of legal registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in line with the requisite CAMA Act. 2020, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria.
- Evidence of registration with Galaxy Backbone and relevant industry certification pertaining to optic fibre connectivity deployment.
- Submission of Memorandum and Articles from CAC07 (i.e. Particulars of Board of Directors) and Form CAC02 (i.e. Particulars of Shareholders).
- Evidence of relevant operating licence(s).
- Evidence of Registration with BPP National Database of Contractors, Consultants and Service Providers.
- Clearance Certificate from National Pension Commission as evidence of compliance with the Industrial Training Fund Amendment Act, 2011.
- Affidavit indicating that all documents submitted are genuine and verifiable.
Tax Requirement
- Evidence of Company Tax Clearance Certificates for the last 3 years.
- VAT Registration.
Firms that are registered outside Nigeria shall submit relevant legal and compliance documents as applicable to their countries of jurisdiction
Eligibility criteria and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Procurement Policy Framework for Bank Group Funded Operations” October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at http://www.afdb.org.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e. from 8 AM to 5 PM on working days.
For the Terms of Reference (TOR) for this Expression of Interest, please visit www.boi.ng/idicetor
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form and soft copy (in a flash drive) to the address below by December 2nd, 2024 at 1PM and mention “Provision of Consultancy Services for the conducting Gap Assessment Learning Management System Platform (LMS) for the iDICE Programme”.
iDICE Programme Coordination Unit
Bank of industry
23 Marina,
E-mail: idice-proposals@boi.ng