Welcome to www.rooomxix.com , your number one source for streetstyle gab. We're dedicated to giving you the very best of luxury experiences, with a focus on dependability, customer service and uniqueness. The launch of the website came shortly after the opening of two more stores in the South-south region of the country, for easy access to all things street-style, all over the country and the world.
When Rooomxix first started out, the idea was to encourage the budding street-style culture that was already setting up roots with lovers of streetwear in Nigeria, providing the best designer outfits, footwear, bags and accessories for the culture.
“With a solid brand experience, we have made the booming online store very easy to navigate. We now serve customers all over the world. Delivery of services has also been simplified for clients living in Lagos, Nigeria, as it is absolutely free. Clients can start transactions online and end it in any of our stores. There's also a multiple payment feature on the website, and you can walk into any of our stores all over Nigeria to pick up your purchase.”
Fortune Spurgeon - Creative director for Rooomxix
The site has a feature for Best Selling streetwear: here, you can check out the most demanded accessory or outfits. The feature also helps you streamline your choices, making shopping quicker and easier too. Another feature is the Essentials. We all have basic needs for our street-style portfolio, thus we created this key streetwear staple feature for all your basic streetwear needs. You’ll find your hoodies, windbreaker shorts, caps/hats and necessary basic street-style ensemble.
The website comes with a User Account Management feature. The user is able to set up an account, track orders and make other shopping decisions on the website with ease.
Users are also able to filter items, find detailed pages for product choices, and trim shopping choices down with the search function. These features were created with every user in mind, so they would have a smooth shopping and luxury experience with the website.
Rooomxix’s ambition is to make every opportunity to dress up street-style, a moment of privilege, where the street culture is respected and influences are roused, nurtured and create a demand for them. We are thrilled to be a part of the quirky, eco-friendly, wing of the fashion industry. It is believed that you will enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you.