The gaming industry in West Africa and maybe even Africa as a continent seems to be lagging behind their peers globally. On the grounds of bettering this, I present you the West African Gaming Expo(WAGE) 2016.
The West African Gaming Expo (WAGE) is the first and only technology conference and exhibition in West Africa focused on animation, video, mobile games and related products.
Already in its third year of existence, the expo and aims to shift the attention of the world to the African gaming industry which has loads of overlooked prospects and growth potentials. Introducing educational gaming, game designing, game development and game playing to the local African community.
Attendees will be educated on game development, generating revenue from gaming and how they can break into the tech industry through gaming.
The event expo is an initiative of Afric Games, and the major audience are students between the ages of 10 -- 18, 18 -- 25 , ICT Professionals / Games developers.
Others are parents, educational institutions, the government, teachers, gaming enthusiast, and everybody that has the minutest interest in gaming.
Last year's edition of the event showcased game developers as young as 10 years old. And had representatives from Google, Kaplan University, and the Bournemouth University among others in attendance. So maybe the world is slightly starting to pay attention to gaming in West Africa and we all need to be plugged in.
This year's edition will be WAGE returns to raise awareness of the local games industry West African Gaming Expo 2016 (WAGE 16) is the first and only technology conference and exhibition in West Africa focusing on animation, video, mobile games and related products.
The 3-day event will consist of a 2-day game development training which will be held in locations across Lagos State and a 1 day Conference and Exhibition

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WAGE aims to connect the best, brightest, and most innovative professionals in the interactive entertainment industry. Leading-edge companies, groundbreaking new technologies, and never-before-seen products will be showcased.
The WAGE 16 conference aims to educate attendees on steps they need to take to be successful in the global gaming industry, tools, and resources available to developers working in the region and create a networking atmosphere where potential game developers can learn and meet the experts.
Participants interested in hosting game development training and animation classes can do so by contacting or visiting the WAGE 16 website.