Zack Snyder, Director of the hugely anticipated Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, tweeted a teaser version of the film's full trailer and promised a Monday release. I guess someone else felt the fanboys shouldn'tbe kept waiting any longer and leaked a camcorder rip of the trailer early.
The trailer was pretty impressive, but seemed to be lacking in the character department. I mean, not even a glimpse of Wonderwoman or a revamped Aquaman. It was instead driven by voice-overs from Holly Hunter, Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor and Jeremy Irons' Alfred Pennyworth, and it seems Superman is no longer the favourite son of Metropolis, thanks to the destruction he caused in the last movie.
The trailer shows us the tone of the movie; the really dark tone that made the Man of Steel so violently depressing. I guess with the inclusion of Batman that tone will seem more appropriate this time.
Ben Affleck's Batman finally makes his on-screen debut and even though I’m not fully sold on the modulated voice they seem to have gone with, the truth is anything will sound better than the ‘gargling rocks’ direction Nolan’s batman went with.
So before it is taken down, hurry and watch the leaked version below: